Most of the founding staff members of Bernard Mizeki College left after Mr. Canham left the college in December 1964. Some of the staff members included Jean C. Farrant author of the book Mashonaland Martyr: Bernard Mizeki and the Pioneer Church. Mr. Michael Pocock who went on to head St Mary Magdalene’s School, Inyanga and St Stephen’s High School, Mohale’s Hoek in Lesotho for 21 years, he died on September 16, 2010.[8] Other staff members who have passed through Bernard Mizeki College include Professor Levy Nyagura who is now the Vice Chancellor of the University of Zimbabwe and Mr. J. Kugara who is now Chairperson of the chemistry department at the University of Zimbabwe. C. Warinda is the Deputy Headmaster at the college and has co-authored a book on the Shona language grammar titled Dudziramutauro which has gone to be included in the syllabus, Mr P Nheweyembwa was the headmaster at Bernard Mizeki College for the past 10 years and the Current Headmaster Howard Antony Matthews.